Pinnacle Fertility | LGBTQ Family Building

Gay Family Building
Fertility care for gay men, same-sex male couples.
Pinnacle Fertility is proud to support our gay male patients' journey to parenthood. Gay men wishing to build their biological family will need the help of an egg donor, gestational surrogate, and in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Fertility Treatment Options for Gay Male Couples
While we understand that every journey to parenthood is unique, here we’ve outlined two common paths for gay men family building to get you started.
Fertility Teatment Option Details

Family Building for Gay Men: Who is on your team?
It takes a Village, People! This post was written for Love Is Family by Yanir Dekel, a gay father of twins through surrogacy and IVF and cohost of the podcast, Daddy Squared. Deciding to start a family is no small step – it’s a big commitment, responsibility, and a completely new direction in your life. […]

The First Meeting With Your Surrogate
When beginning your journey to parenthood through the help of a surrogate (gestational carrier), the first meeting with your surrogate is a significant encounter. Your surrogate is such an important part of the process, the first meeting is a milestone for a relationship that may last for years after your child’s birth. It’s normal to […]

Creating a Pregnancy and Delivery Plan
When it comes to pregnancy and delivery plans, there seem to be two different types of people – those who prepare for every possible scenario and desires that may arise during delivery, and those who decide to cross the bridge when they reach it and make real-time decisions. Each approach has its advantages, but when […]